NAMI Walk 2024

I wanted you to know that my friend Ben and I will be out walking on Saturday, May 18, at Boston Common for the 2024 NAMI Walk. This will be our 11th year participating in this incredible fundraising event.

Anything you can do to spread the word would be greatly appreciated.

Donations to this important cause are easy to make at:

At NAMIWalks, we don’t just walk the walk. We are the walk.
I am hope. I am inclusion. I am empowerment. I am compassion. I am NAMIWalks.

The annual NAMIWalks event connects our community to the life-changing mental health programs and resources that NAMI offers.

Won’t you be NAMIWalks, too, by donating generously to this effort? You can do it right here on my personal walk page.

“Mental Health for All” is the event’s rallying call, and it will take all of us to reach our goal.

Thank you!
